Install impulse for the eclipse IDE

Installation options
  • Using "Eclipse Marketplace"

    1. Enter Eclipse Marketplace... (usually found in menu Help)
    2. Type-in impulse into the Find field and press the Return key.
    3. Click either the impuse core feature or any of the extensions.
    4. Follow the instructions of the install process.
    5. Restart, you did it !
  • Using "Install new Software"

    1. Go to Install new Software... (usually found in menu Help) .
    2. Press "Add" and enter install location "".
    3. Select impulse plus required additional extensions and press the Next button
    4. Follow the instructions of the install process.
    5. Restart, you did it !
  • Without internet access

    1. Open your internet brower (on another computer) and enter "" or "" (legacy) to download the update package. Copy the file "" to the computer with your impulse installation.
    2. Go to Install new Software... (usually found in menu Help) .
    3. Press "Add", then press "Archive" and select the update package. "".
    4. Un-check "Contact all update sites...".
    5. Select impulse plus required additional extensions and press the Next button
    6. Follow the instructions of the install process.
    7. You may get errors if selected extension requirements (e.g. BIRT installation for the BIRT extension) can not be fulfilled. In this case, uncheck these extensions or install the required dependencies first.
    8. Restart, you did it !

impulse 2.x.x

eclipse update site:

(Before installing impulse 2, please remove ALL impulse 1.8 features!)

impulse 1.8.x (legacy)

eclipse update site:

(Previous site  for impulse < 2.0 is marked as deprecated and will be removed) 

Screen Cast: How to install impulse (Eclipse)

impulse 1.8 -> 2.x migration

Keep you preferences

Create a preference wallet and add your important views, templates, serializers, charts and ports.

Un-install impulse 1.8.x

  • Enter "Help->About Eclipse Platform"
  • Press "Installation Details"
  • Select all impulse features and press "Uninstall"

Install impulse 2.x

  • see below

Clean up views

After installing impulse 2, you may still find references to legacy impulse views. To remove them, start eclipse with the following options:

eclipse.exe -clean -refresh -clearPersistedState

Restore preferences to default

It is recommended to restore to default settings (Press "Restore Delauts" for

  • Charts
  • Serializers
  • Templates
Post installation

Adjust Heap space

The available heap space size directly affects the performance of impulse - especially if your are handling large signal data. To give impulse (and eclipse) enough buffers, you need to:

  • Call eclipse with additional parameters to modify available heap size
eclipse [normal arguments] -vmargs -Xmx2048M [more VM args]
  • or edit the config.ini of eclipse

You should adjust the heap at least to 2048M. I you have, give it more.

Linux Users

If you are faced with strange problems like empty menus, the GTK version might be the problem.
In most cases the problems can be solved by switching to GTK 2:

--launcher.GTK_version 2 

See impulse and Linux for further information.

impulse source Repository (EPL only)


Install flux

flux installation options
  • Using the flux import

    Import multi-language flux sourcs and examples
    If impulse ist installed, go to Import->impulse-> Import flux trace, select an import folder and press ok.
flux Repository


Update site

technical software and tooling


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