RH05 FST Reader
The FST format is a binary format for simulation output generated by EDA logic simulation tools. FST (Fast Signal Trace) is used by the CVC simulator. The reader uses the native library provided by the gtkwave source package. Users may need to configure and compile the native extension using the native extension preference pages.
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Native extension
The reader uses a native extension, meaning that it calls a native application (converter) to open and read data from the input file.
RH02 Setting up the FST reader native extension
The reader can be used to open workspace resources.
You can modify the reader behavior under Preferences->impulse->Serializer->FST:
- You may modify the default parameters (see "Default Parameters");
- You may add a default reader configuration and modify its parameters. Then you can select between multiple configurations (containing different parameter sets) when using the serializer.
Parse errors
The reader will provide a parse error message if the input can not be read. The message usually contains the error position, the reason for the failure and a stack trace.
If you can not resolve the problem (e.g. obvious format error in the input file), please send this message together with the input file to "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.".
Reader: de.toem.impulse.serializer.xyz Error at position: 4800 Text at position: "o !. Up Uq Ur" Message: Invalid character Type: class de.toem.impulse.serializer.ParseException Stack trace: de.toem.impulse.serializer.xyz.xyzReader.parse(XYZReader.java:459) de.toem.impulse.serializer.xyz.xyzReader.parse(xyzReader.java:363) de.toem.impulse.serializer.xyz.xyzReader.read(xyzReader.java:269) de.toem.impulse.serializer.xyz.xyzReader.read(xyzReader.java:237) de.toem.pattern.element.Element$1.execute(Element.java:1063) de.toem.eclipse.hooks.actives.EclipseActives$3.run(EclipseActives.java:73)