Nebula Visualization is a widgets library for data visualization in science, engineering and
SCADA areas. An eye diagram is an oscilloscope display in which a digital signal is repeatedly
sampled by a receiver and applied to the vertical input while the data rate is used to trigger the
horizontal sweep.
Platforms: |
32/64bit |
32/64bit |
32/64bit |
Requirements: |
Known limitations: |
Status: |
Extensibility: |
Supported signal types: |
- Numerical signal (Float, Integer,..)
- Manual fill
Chart Parameters: |
- Title: No Title, Description, Plot Name, Plot Description.
- Options: Annotated, Show Legend, Show Title, Show Grid.
- Max Points: Limits the maximum number of points to be displayed.
- Nebula Script: Extend the chart with Java Script.
- Apply Script: Enables/Disables the Nebula scripting.
- Manual Fill: Disables the provider's default signal processing; instead, the script
must provide the display data.
Plot Parameters: |
- Rate : Define the rate at which the eye chart is triggered (e.g. ' 10ms').
- Offset : Define an offset at which the eye chart starts (e.g. '1ms').
- Cycles : Cycles", "Define the (max) number of cycles.