
XS04 Script Production Example: Analyse Logic Vector

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Similar use case as "Analyse Logic", but here we have a logic vector. With in0.logicValue() .getState(1) you can extract bits out of the vector.

// input: an array of all input signals
// in0: primary input of type ISamplePointer,IReadableSamples
// in1..: additional inputs of type ISamplePointer,IReadableSamples
// out: output signal of type IIntegerSamplesWriter
// console: console output of type MessageConsoleStream
// iter: iterator of type ISamplesIterator
// progress: progess control of type  IScriptProgress

var start = -1;
while ( iter.hasNext()) {
    var current <:Long:> = iter.next(out);
    if (!input[0].isNone()) {
        if (input[0].logicValue().getState(1) == STATE_1)
            start = current;
        if (input[0].logicValue().getState(1) == STATE_0 && start >= 0) {
            out.write(start, false, new java.lang.Long(current - start));
            start = -1;
//  Level 2 - 1 Bit
//  0: '0'    strong drive, logic zero
//  1: '1'    strong drive, logic one
//  Level 4 - 2 Bits
//  2: 'Z'    high impedance
//  3: 'X' strong drive, unknown logic value
//  Level 16 - 4 Bits
//  4: 'L' weak drive, logic zero
//  5: 'H'    weak drive, logic one
//  6: 'U' uninitialized
//  7: 'W' weak drive, unknown logic value
//  8: '-'    (STATE_D) don't care
//  9 - 14: 'J', 'K', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P' to be defined by the user
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