RH03 Setting up the WLF reader native extension

The article will help you to configure and set-up the WLF readers native extension. Native extension The WLF reader uses a native extension, meaning that it calls  a native application (converter) to open and read data from...

RH06 WLF Reader

Outline The WLF format is a binary format for simulation output generated by EDA logic simulation tools. WLF is used by the ModelSim tools (Mentor Graphics). The reader requires a tools installation (wlfapi). Users need to configure (path...

RH07 eVCD Reader

Outline The eVCD format (extended Value Change Dump) is an ASCII-based format for dumpfiles generated by EDA logic simulation tools. The format is supported by using an external tool to convert the input to vcd format (evcd2vcd). This tool...

RH08 LXT2 Reader

Outline The LXT2 format is a binary format for dumpfiles generated by EDA logic simulation tools. The format is supported by using an external tool to convert the input to vcd format (lxt2vcd). This tool is not part of impulse and must be...

RH09 VZT Reader

Outline The VZT format is a binary format for dump files generated by EDA logic simulation tools. The format is supported by using an external tool to convert the input to vcd format (vzt2vcd). This tool is not part of impulse and must be...

RSP1 Spice3 Reader

Outline The Spice 3 format is a format for dump files generated by analog electronic circuit simulation tools. Spice 3 is an open source circuit simulation program for nonlinear DC, nonlinear transient and linear AC analyses. Platforms: 32/64bit 32/64bit 32/64bit Requirements: None Known...

RSP2 NanoSim Reader

Outline The NanoSim format is a binary format for dump files generated by analog electronic circuit simulation tools. NanaSim Reader The NanoSim format is supported by using an external tool to convert NanoSim to a tabular format (sp2sp)....

RSP3 HSpice Reader

Outline The HSpice format is a format for dump files generated by analog electronic circuit simulation tools. For this format, no open specification is available. Instead the reader is based on non-official format informations from the internet....