U001 Creating charts from CAN bus messages
This screen cast
shows the creation and configuration of BIRT and XY charts, using data from CAN bus messages.
A Pie chart from the CAN bus message IDs
The first example creates a PIE chart, showing the received CAN bus message IDs. The used script is shown below. The script
- creates the members of a struct signal,
- analyzes all in samples (read the id of the messages) and counts them in a dictionary
- writes the counter values in the struct and finally into the output signal.
// input: an array of all input signals // in0: primary input of type ISamplePointer,IReadableSamples // in1..: additional inputs of type ISamplePointer,IReadableSamples // out: output signal of type ITextSamplesWriter // console: console output of type MessageConsoleStream // iter: iterator of type ISamplesIterator // progress: progess control of type IScriptProgress // struct signal progress.cont(); if (members == null) { var members <:[Lde.toem.impulse.values.StructMember;:> = out.createMembers(7); out.createMember(members, 0, "12", ISample.STRUCT_TYPE_INTEGER, null, -1); out.createMember(members, 1, "24", ISample.STRUCT_TYPE_INTEGER, null, -1); out.createMember(members, 2, "61", ISample.STRUCT_TYPE_INTEGER, null, -1); out.createMember(members, 3, "62", ISample.STRUCT_TYPE_INTEGER, null, -1); out.createMember(members, 4, "Label", ISample.STRUCT_TYPE_TEXT, "LABEL", -1); var counter = {}; } else { out.close(); out.open(0); } // analyze input while (iter.hasNext()) { iter.next(); var id = in1.intValueOf("Id"); if (counter[id] == null) counter[id] = 1; else counter[id] = counter[id] + 1; } // create output members[0].setIntValue(counter[12]); members[1].setIntValue(counter[24]); members[2].setIntValue(counter[60]); members[3].setIntValue(counter[61]); members[4].setStringValue("Messages"); out.write(0, false, members);
An XY chart from 2 separate integer signals
The second example shows how to create a XY chart from simple float or integer signals using the
array combiner production. As the XY chart requires an array signal (float array or integer array
containing the x and y values), the separate input signals need to be combined with the array