R002 recMl/recMz Reader
The Compressed/Uncompressed Record Format(recML/recMZ) is a signal record format ( scopes/signals) which is encoded as XML. The signal data are formed as packed binaries.
recMZ uses the same format but the content is compressed.
Both recML and recMZ support all signal and processtypes.
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About the recML/recMZ Format
recML/recML files use a generic xml format to store scope and signal data. While the signal parameter are human readable, the signal data is packed into a binary format and converted into a text string.
| | module | module | default/16/0/0/0/-1 5000000001 fs FQgDAA8A0OFm0EYAEWZmZmYgZ09C0EIAZsD0/kvQRQBmZmZmgHTSGlBCAwOAhDB6 reg [15:0]
The recML/recMZ reader can be used to open workspace resources and together with resource adapters.
The recML/recMZ reader does not require any configuration.
Parse errors
The reader will provide a parse error message if the input can not be read. The message usually contains the error position, the reason for the failure and a stack trace.
If you can not resolve the problem (e.g. obvious format error in the input file), please send this message together with the input file to "support@toem.de".
Reader: de.toem.impulse.serializer.xyz Error at position: 4800 Text at position: "o !. Up Uq Ur" Message: Invalid character Type: class de.toem.impulse.serializer.ParseException Stack trace: de.toem.impulse.serializer.xyz.xyzReader.parse(XYZReader.java:459) de.toem.impulse.serializer.xyz.xyzReader.parse(xyzReader.java:363) de.toem.impulse.serializer.xyz.xyzReader.read(xyzReader.java:269) de.toem.impulse.serializer.xyz.xyzReader.read(xyzReader.java:237) de.toem.pattern.element.Element$1.execute(Element.java:1063) de.toem.eclipse.hooks.actives.EclipseActives$3.run(EclipseActives.java:73)