U020 Going YAKINDU 2 - How to launch, trace and visualize state machines

The first tutorial of the series covered the design of state diagram models and their simulation with reference patterns.

After design, the YAKINDU state chart models are transformed into executable code of different languages and environments. To enable model-level debugging of the state machine implementations, the code can be instrumented to generate so called YET (YAKINDU Execution Trace) traces.

With impulse signal ports, several trace and log sources can be connected. This could be multiple YET traces via TCP, UDP or serial line from state machine implementations together with log and trace data from other components.

Multiple signal ports of different types can be combined into one, synchronizing the received signals. By using scripts, connected devices or applications can be stimulated and their events processed.

This tutorial uses a YET trace over TCP of a simple statechart example (TicToc) and is intended to provide insights into how to attach to trace sources and how to visuale the received data.

Use the tutorial example (Preference Wallet file) to run the example, and watch the screen cast (links below).

The state chart simulator and plot require impulse Analyze. Non commercial users may request a free license key. Commercial users may request a 90 day test license key. Find more under Pricing options.
impulse YAKINDU and the YET trace format are still in BETA stage. Please be aware that interfaces and usage may change!

The TicToc trace

To the right , you find the TicToc state chart.

The state machine is has two states Idle and Playing. The single input event toggle switches between these two events. Within Playing state the state machine automatically switches between the states Tic and Toc and raises out events tic and toc respectivley when entering these states. The time interval between state changes is defined by the variable delay.

Below, you find an example YET trace. The format is simply structured. It is text based and consists of a sequence of entries. These can be of three kinds: declarations, initializations, and execution events. Here is an example of a trace:

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To open a file with YET trace content, just double click it to open the impulse viewer (the file ending "*.yet" is assumed by default).

To read the trace from TCP or UDP, you need to add a signal port.

H130 Attach - How to add a port

A Signals Port can be opened by the impulse Viewer like a normal file. Instead of extracting the signal data from the file, it is read from an external source (e.g. TCP, a debug adapter or a bus interface).

  1. To add a port you need to have the Signals Ports view visible (Window > Show View > impulse > Signal Ports).;
  2. Click the "Add new Port" toolbar button of the "Signal Ports" view and select the port type. ;
  3. Configure the port settings and press ok.
H131 Attach - How to configure existing ports

Ports can be managed most easily with the "Signal Ports" view: (Window > Show View > impulse > Signal Ports). Alternatively you can also use the preferences (Preferences ->impulse > Ports).

  • Press the "Edit Port" button of the "Signal Ports" view or use the context menu of the port/adapter element.
  • If you have already opened the port in a viewer, press the "Edit Port" button in the viewers toolbar.
H132 Attach - How to open and start a port

The port may read the signal data in one go or spread over a period of time (on-line). impulse allows the analysis of signal data while new data is still arriving.

  • To open a port you need to have the Signals Ports view visible (Window > Show View > impulse > Signal Ports).
  • Opening a port means opening the viewer with the signal content of the port. Press the "Open Port" button of the "Signal Ports" view or double-click the port item.
  • To start the port, press the "Run/Stop" in the tool-bar.

Screen Cast: How to trace and visualize state machines

Download and copy the file "Uxxx.walMZ" into any eclipse project. Double-click the file to open the Preference Wallet editor. The editor will show you further instructions.

Managing Ports

Ports can be managed most easily with the "Signal Ports" view: (Window > Show View > impulse > Signal Ports). Alternatively you can also use the preferences (Preferences ->impulse > Ports).

Add a port

Click the "Add new Port" toolbar button of the "Signal Ports" view  and select the port type. Configure the port settings and press ok.

Configure existing ports

Press the "Edit Port" button of the "Signal Ports" view or use the context menu of the port/adapter element. If you have already opened the port in a viewer, press the "Edit Port" button in the viewers toolbar.

Open a port

Opening a port means opening the viewer with the signal content of the port. Press the "Open Port" button of the "Signal Ports" view or double-click the port item.

Read from Data Interface, Application or External HW

With the expandable concept of signal ports any signal source can be connected. This can be simple data connections with a configurable reader, external libraries or complex hardware interfaces.

Combine and Synchronize Multiple Inputs

Multiple signal ports of varying types can be combined into one, synchronizing the received signals.

Stimulate and Handle

By using scripts, connected devices or applications can be stimulated and their events processed. This could be for example a CAN bus message or a byte sequence via TCP.

TCP Port


After creating a new TCP port, a dialogue pops up:

  • In "Normal Client" mode, the adapter tries to connect to the given server and returns with an error if not possible.
  • If "Waiting Client" mode is chosen, the adapter tries continuously to connect to the server without error exit.
  • If "Server" mode is chosen, the adapter creates a TCP server and waits for exactly one client to connect.

Source Configuration

  • Server: Server address or "localhost" (client modes only).
  • Socket: Socket number
  • Write input to file: Select a file to log the input stream.

You may specify a file "Write input to file" to store the raw input for debugging purpose.

Serializer Configuration

Select the YET reader. No configuration is required.

To open impulse, just double-click on the port. You will see impulse with a slightly different look.

Resource Adapter

The resource adapter uses a workspace resource as the input stream. The adapter can be combined with other adapters using a multi-adapter port.

File/Pipe Adapter

The File/Pipe adapter uses a filesystem resource as the input stream. The raw data is then processed by a configurable reader. The adapter can be combined with other adapters using a multi-adapter port.

TCP Adapter

The TCP adapter connects to a TCP server and reads its input. The raw data is then processed by a configurable reader. The adapter can be combined with other adapters using a multi-adapter port.

UDP Adapter

The UDP adapter lisents to incoming packets (automatic/ scripted) and reads its input. The raw data is then processed by a configurable reader. The adapter can be combined with other adapters using a multi-adapter port.

Process Adapter

The process adapter starts an application and reads its output (stdout). The raw data is then processed by a configurable reader. The adapter can be combined with other adapters using a multi-adapter port.

Using Ports

After opening the viewer, the user will find some additional icons in the toolbar of the viewer. They are used to control the data stream from the port and update from within the viewer.

Icon Function Description
(or symbol of port) Edit Port Opens the port editor
Connect Enables the user to connect to a port without starting aquisition. Depending on the port design, the port may:
  • Connect to external drivers and data sources
  • Prepares all signals
  • Show 'current' data in the value column of the tree
Run/Stop Connects to the port and starts acquisition. To end streaming press again.
Single / Multiple For scope like ports, this button selects if the acquisition process is:
  • Single / 1-shot
  • Multiple / Auto mode
Enable/Disable Updating If the port generates a floating diagram, this button allows the user to start/stop updating the diagram. To stop the diagram you may also click into the plot area.


Create a State Chart plot

The plot dialog is roughly divided as follows;
On the left side is defined what to display, on the right side how to display it.

In this case, we want to visualize the state chart model driven by the current state machine. The state chart plot allows the display the current states (on- or offline data) at the current cursor position. Choose the type "Chart" and select the TicToc state chart chart in the field "Chart Style".

Next, we have to define what is to be displayed, i.e. a signal has to be selected.

Click the button right to the priamry source field, and select the "@States" signal.

Launcher Integration

An eclipse launch configuration is a description of how to launch a program. The program itself may be a Java program, another Eclipse instance in the form of a runtime workbench, a C program, or something else. The impulse launch integration enables users to bind an impulse port to a launch configuration.

The port will be opened in an impulse viewer (if its not already open) when the launch is started. Depending on the mode settings, this might be in debug or run-mode only, or always.

Start the launcher

Now we have everything together. As soon as the launcher is started, the application starts running and establishes the TCP server.
impulse is started with a small delay of 600ms - then the server should be active (alternatively you can configure the TCP port to wait).

Launch and Visualize

Using the launcher intagration, an application can be started and connected with impulse using a signal port.

Sample Tables

The Sample Tables shows the different events within your signals as a table. This table displays the index and domain position (e.g., time) on the left-hand side and the value (plus optional value specific columns) of it on the right-hand side. When you choose to display multiple signals, the table additionally shows their names.

  • Domain: Shows the domain position of the samples.
  • Value: Shows the textual representation value of the samples.
  • Signal: Shows the signal/plot name if multiple signals are shown.
  • [Member]: Shows the members of struct values or arrays.
  • Labels: Show the attached labels of a sample.
  • Relation: Shows the attached relation of the selected sample.

You control the Value Table with the toolbar in the upper right-hand corner of it. There you find:

  • Synchronize Input Signals: If checked, any tree selection change of the active viewer will change the displayed signals (You may select multiple signals/plots). To freeze the Sample Tables input signals, un-check this field. 
  • Synchronize Position: With this button, you can synchronize the cursor of the viewer/editor with the table, which means the table displays the samples you choose with the cursor. This also works if you choose a sample within the table. The cursor will automatically change its position.
  • Continuoulsly Refresh Signal Data: The sample data of the displayed signal may change over time (on-line display or modified plot settings). With this flag, the viewer will continuously check for changes and update its data.

On the configuration page you can configure all columns and choose between multiple preference sets.

Input Signal

The input signal is synchronized with the selection of the active viewer.


The selected sample is synchronized with the cursor position of the active viewer.


Signal data in the case of streams (online data) are continuously refreshed.


Filters (text pattern or a value range) can be applied to all columns.


Multiple signals can be combined in one table.

Configurable Columns

All columns are configurable (style, alignment, format and visibility).

To open a Sample Table, open the Window menu in the upper left tool-bar, then choose Show View->Other, and within the window that opens you select Impulse and select the Sample Table.

To show signals in this table, just select one or more signal in the viewer (assumes the default setting of the table). Instead of using selection, you can use the Show In context menu of the viewer or Navigator. This will automatically freeze the input.

You can display and use up to 4 tables. You can select the samples in the table and copy&paste to get CSV.

Next Tutorial in this series

Going YAKINDU 3 - How to design state charts using stubs



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